
The past couple of weeks I have been going with Mari to visit some communities. In each community, we have been surveying residents (she is doing Food Security surveys, I am doing general surveys). Along the way, I have been taking GPS points and photos of schools. There are more pictures here, and as can been seen from the two photos above, not all the schools are as well constructed and maintained. As far as I know, the school made of boards and mesh wire is the worst. Interestingly, it is located right on the outskirts of the urban area. The community was offered a new building by a foreigner (Canadian or Swiss, depends on who you ask), who has been travelling around the area building schools in memory of his son. For some reason, the community did not want the supplies (he was going to deliver all the materials, but no money), and they wanted the money. Something like that. So, another community, La Cieneguita, was the recipient of the school (the green and red one).
Also in this group of photos are some from Carnaval, which included ladies dancing in the street (and young men dressed as women dancing) and cracking egg shells filled with confetti on people´s heads. That was about it. Also, various pictures, a weird spider, a cake I made, and photos of the forestry guy, Pépe and his parents.